Problems with The B.R.U.C.E Project are uncommon but can occur on occasion.
This is usually the result of a connection or compatibility issue existing with one member of the team that in turn affects the game for all players through syncing. An example of this would be getting kicked out of the game between sectors or a puzzle not being accessible for certain members of the team. If this happens our recommendation is to try the following:
- Complete a hard refresh of the browser window by pressing CTRL + F5, before starting a new room with a new name and playing through again.
- If you suspect that it is your connection to the game that is causing the issue, it may be worth trying an alternative browser or device. We also recommend minimising bandwidth usage by turning off the camera on your chosen communication platform and ceasing connections from other devices in the household.
- If the issue persists and prevents you from completing the game, please make a note of when and how it happened and report it with as much information as possible and email us at -